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LegalStride Outsourcing is a provider for Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) services.

The law can be complex, but our approach is simple – we put our clients first. Trust The team for effective legal representation and personalized attention from our team of experienced attorneys

About us

We engage in partnerships with global legal professionals, law firms.

LegalStride Outsourcing is a provider for Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) services. We engage in partnerships with global legal professionals, law firms, and in-house legal departments to deliver tailor-made services and solutions to meet each of our clients unique needs and requirements.

Our services and solutions are designed to enable our clients to focus on their core task, while ancillary and support functions are undertaken by us. In addition, by partnering with us you can smoothly navigate the global economic slowdown as you can expect to pay approximately 80% less than what you are currently paying your internal resources to handle the same task and functions.

A legal process outsourcing arrangement is permitted by a majority of Bar Council Associations, and we will develop a framework and protocol for our partnership with you which is compliant with the requirements of your respective Bar Council Association.

What We Do

Let Our Experience be Your Guide


Don't let legal challenges intimidate you - let us protect you


The truth matters - that's why we conduct thorough investigations

Case Fight

Don't back down - we're here to fight for you in the cout room to overcome issue at LPO


Meet Our Legal Team

Meet our exceptional team of attorneys, who bring a diverse range of legal specialties and years of experience to every case we take on.

Dale J Carothers


Louis N McKee


Jean G Tucker


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